Tuesday, 14 July 2009

The World is Open book release...You too can be Bonked!

Ok, my book, The World is Open: How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education, was released. Amazon is shipping it 2 weeks ahead of schedule. I got the order I placed last week Thursday and Friday. You can order it through my WorldisOpen.com book website. You can also get the prequel and all the references, Web resources, and reviews. Some excerpts too!

Much happening. If you want to hear me speak on the book, there was a podcast interview yesterday by Tim Holt’s Intended Consequences Podcasts. Tim is from El Paso, Texas. He started this as a hobby and now many people listen in. The reactions have been good. This is a podcast series for people with books in educational technology.


If, instead of hearning me, you would like to see me in action or get a quick overview of the book, there is now a videostream talk on my “The World is Open” book (video, slides, and audio). This Webstreamed presentation using Adobe Connect Pro was posted today by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE/Ed Media people). This is at the AACE site.

Note: you or your students can watch this (it is 1 hour 25 minutes long). It is a make-up or redone presentations since we had problems at the conference in Hawaii during Ed Media.

"Today I was also interviewed today on my wikibook research for Educational News again. An Interview with Curtis Bonk: A Look at Wikibooks and Wikibookians.” by Michael Shaughnessy, July 14, 2009

I will speak on the book for Ednak (a site for "thought networking for online educators") on July 30th. I will also be interviewed by the USA Radio Networks and Armed Forces Radio the following day (July 31)."

I will also be interviewed by the USA Radio Networks and Armed Forces Radio the following day (July 31).

On August 4th, I will have a Webinar on the book for the Denver chapter of the International Society of Performance Improvement. I will also be interviewed that day by for a 30 minute Radio Interview on KUCR (88.3 fm) in LA. The show will broadcast at 6:30 pm on the 4th, and again at 8:30 am the following morning (August 5th). This will be in their Education Today show. Education Today has a 15 year history – they deal with any and all issues in the world of education. KUCR is located on the campus of the University of California, Riverside, and its signal covers approximately 20% of the LA metro area – including the Inland Empire, as well as portions of LA & Orange counties.

Today (July 14th) was special. It was the 20th anniversary of my son, Alex, coming from Korea. This coming Friday is also special. It is the 20th anniversary of my dissertation defense at the University of Wisconsin. Of course, all my advisors could care less about my presentation; instead, they all wanted to meet my son who was waiting patiently outside the door. And now, 20 years later, Alex and I sit next to each other putting hundreds of mailing packages together on my The World is Open book to send to people. It is a huge mess. But fun.

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