Monday, 20 July 2009

Indiana University Press Release, The “flat” world is “open;” how technology is changing education

Lots happening since the book came out a week ago. I barely have time to eat, sleep, run, walk, or chew gum, let alone post to my blog. But I will try to post something worthwhile. I will focus on 3 main things below: 1. a press release, 2. a talk, and 3. a book review. All are related to my new book.

1. IU Press Release: There were 2 press releases today on my new book, The World Is Open: How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education. I often refer to the book as the TWiO, since there will be 2 of them--one hardcover (which came out a week ago) and a free e-book extension which I am still working on. The book Website has the references and Web links for both books already and many excerpts.

The 2 IU press releases are the same basic story but there was one press release was from the Indiana University (IU) press and one from the IU School of Education. The one from the School of Education includes a picture of the book and 5 short audio file links (MP3) and transcripts to listen to from the interview. Cool!

Indiana University Press Release, The “flat” world is “open;” how technology is changing education; July 20, 2009, IU News Room.

IU School of Education Press Release, The “flat” world is “open;” how technology is changing education, School of Education professor’s new book outlines the complex world of learning today; July 20, 2009, IU School of Education Homepage: (Note again: this has 5 short MP3 files of part of the interview--scroll to the end of the article and listen.)

See what ya think. I think IU did a great job on it.

2. Indianapolis Talk this coming Friday July 24th: IU also posted a "Media Advisory" event for this coming Friday July 24th when I will be part of a seminar on "Issues in Education" at our IUPUI Campus Center in Indianapolis. I will be presenting ideas from my The World is Open book at 11 to 11:45. Others will be presenting that day as well. This is intended for Indiana media but I think anyone can attend. The cost is a mere $15 for the day. For more information about this seminar, please contact: Chuck Carney, director of communications and media relations for the Indiana University School of Education, 812-856-8027 or Or see the Web-link.

What: "Issues in Education" seminar
When: July 24, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Where: Room CE 148, IUPUI Campus Center, 420 University Blvd

3. Review of the World Is Open book: Michael Shaughnessy, a writer from EdNews/org and professor at Eastern New Mexico University, wrote a book review of: “The World is Open: How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education.” It was posted to the blog of the Innovate Journal of Online Education called, Innovate-Ideagora (Ning blog), July 17, 2009.

It is interesting to be compared to E. F. Hutton and Reggie Jackson. It does not happen often. Well, it has never happened before. I actually saw Reggie Jackson play many times when he came to Milwaukee to play the Brewers in the 1970s and 1980s, including the American League Championship Series in 1982. He was one great player! I used to like how would take his time at the plate. Liked to spit if I remember correctly. He was one menacing character. I hope Michael wasn't indicating that I am menacing. Smile.

The important thing is that we (the Brewers--they played in Milwaukee which is the land of beer and more beer) beat the Angels 3-2 in that series. We came from behind 2 games to 1. I was at games 4 and 5. They were special! When Cecil Cooper hit the game winning drive in Game #5, old County Stadium went Bonkers (no pun intended). And I mean Bonkers! Ok pun intended. My best friends and I were there. I think we even let my little brother, Richard Bonk, join us. There is a joke in there for people who know Richard. Gosh did we party that night. I do miss Milwaukee if only for a few fleeting seconds.

Then it was on to the World Series where we lost to the Cardinals 4 games to 3. I saw Game #3 that year. We lost that one. Bummer. My only World Series Game. I did have Pirate World Series tickets in 1991 and 1992 that I never got to use thanks to the choking of Bobby Bonilla and Barry Bonds. Ok, enough baseball. Gosh I remember Reggie Jackson as a Yankee as well as when he was in Oakland before that. I guess I am old. Ok, let me say this again...enough baseball.

After you get past the Reggie and E.F. Hutton bit, you will find that Michael has posted a balanced (if not critical) review. He "hits" on many concerns he has at the end of the review. As you round the bases of this review, you will see that most of them relate to formal educational settings like as quality, integrity, certification, and accountability. His points are well taken and worth discussing and debating. Still, I am not trying to solve all the problems faced in K-12 or higher education settings with the book. Instead, I am simply trying to show how the world has become more open for learning. And it is more open for learning. He does not seem to debate that point.

This is the fourth review of the TWiO book. The other three are already posted at the book Website in About the Book.

Ok, I must go back to work on the e-book extension of this. I hope to post a postscript I wrote later tonight or tomorrow.

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