Monday, 27 October 2008

New Report from Apple and the Economist on the Future of Higher Education and How Technology will Reshape It

Breaking news! Every day there is new stuff.

This new report will be a good link to my World is Open book which will be published by Jossey Bass/Wily in June. I am now building an associated website and companion e-book. This new report is coming out from Economist Magazine and Apple Computer today (based on responses from nearly 300 corporate CIOs and technology leaders)--these execs will hopefully be interested in my book; especially those reading Friedman's "World is Flat book. The thrust is how technology is reshaping higher education in the next 5 or so years.

The Report:

The Associated Press Release:

Of course, we all know this. Still I think it is important enough to share. They are not telling us anything new. There are questions on tool use, online learning, technology training, and technology affecting degree offerings. See below for more details.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 4:08 PM
To: Bonk, Curtis Jay
Subject: Report on technology & higher education


Today the NMC is releasing a new white paper, produced in conjunction with the
Economist Magazine and in collaboration with Apple, Inc. The paper, entitled
"The Future of Higher Education: How Technology will Shape Learning" reports
the results of a study of nearly 300 CIOs and technology leaders inside and
outside of education.

The report, being released today at a special CIO Roundtable hosted by Apple in
conjunction with Apple, is free-of-charge, and is being released with a
Creative Commons Attribution license and may be freely copied in its 32-page

The study was designed to uncover perceptions among these leaders specifically
related to the use of technology in higher education worldwide in the coming

The effort, designed by the NMC and conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit
in July and August 2008, included responses from 289 participants: 189 responses
came from higher education and 100 came from companies. The US accounted for
slightly over one-half (154) of all respondents, with the remainder distributed
through Europe (69), Asia-Pacific (43) and the rest of the world (23).
Additionally12 telephone interviews were held with a mix of university chief
information officers and leaders in the private sector.

NMC Platinum Partner, Apple, Inc, plans a series of these CIO Roundtables to
further discuss the implications of the report and to expand awareness of its
findings in the field.

To download the report, visit (32 pp, 1.4 Mb, PDF)

To view the official press release, see (2 pp, 272 K, PDF)

Please join me in thanking the Economist Magazine and Apple, Inc. for their
roles in this collaboration. Hope you find the report useful!

Larry Johnson
Chief Executive Officer

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