Of course, once you post a couple of free online conferences, more immediately appear. Here is one that Nellie Deustch just informed me of. It is called Connecting Online 2009 and will be held February 6-8, 2009. Looks they are using Ning to coordinate this. I will be presenting my "World is Open" talk sometime during it. You might participate in it as well.
And today my good friend, Gilly Salmon from the University of Leicester in the UK, informed me of the Learning Futures Festival 2009, November 11-December 19, 2008. This is part of her Beyond Distance Research Alliance. While this one is not free, it is still worth noting since they will have many synchronous events during the coming couple of months prior to their live conference in Leceister in January. The face-to-face event is Thursday January 9th, 2009 in Leicester. I have presented at their conference in January 2006 and January 2007 and know it is quite an engaging and interesting event. Gilly is always filled with creative ideas and activities.
Gilly also sent me a note about the World Future 2009 Conference in Chicago July 17-19, 2009. This looks cool.
Oh by the way, next week, I am doing a preconference workshop at the Sloan-C ALN (Asynchronous Learning Networks) Conference in Orlando on Wednesday November 5th. This workshop will include info on blended learning activities and models as well as dozens of activities related to both my R2D2 model for online learning and my TEC-VARIETY model for online motivation and retention. More importantly, the following day, I will be the plenary speaker. I will present on my upcoming World is Open book. I think they said some 1,300 people were already signed up for it.
Also in Orlando next week is the annual AECT (Association for Educational Curriculum and Technology) Conference. AECT is extremely popular with my graduate students. I plan to pop in there. It is the conference for my department and field at the present time. Attendance has dropped, however, during the past decade or two as other conferences have emerged. Of course this past week, the Educause Conference was held in Orlando as was Elliott Masie's Learn 2008 Conference. Is Orlando the destination for everyone in October and November?
At the end of the week, I will keynote the Illinois School Library Media Association (ISLMA) Conference in Arlington Heights on the north side of Chicago. The keynote will be my old Perfect E-storm talk, recently updated and enhanced. The following day, I will speak on digital literacy.
Remember November 17-21 is the E-Learn Conference in Las Vegas! This is the best one of all! Attendance records already set. You can add to that!
That is it for the conference scene for now. I am sure this will be both tiring and fun. It is exhausting just thinking about. Anyway, enjoy the show! Perhaps I will see you at one of these events. And please say hi if you see me. Even if it is just in the airport going through stupid pet tricks in security lines. Smile!
And Happy Halloween everyone! Oh, if you have not seen "Zombies in Plain English" from Lee Lefever at Common Craft, now is your chance. You can go to the Common Craft website or YouTube. This is a year old. I sure hope they post a new one this year!
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