Friday, 31 October 2008

A Halloween Treat: Another Free Online Conference + Lots of Paid Ones

Of course, once you post a couple of free online conferences, more immediately appear. Here is one that Nellie Deustch just informed me of. It is called Connecting Online 2009 and will be held February 6-8, 2009. Looks they are using Ning to coordinate this. I will be presenting my "World is Open" talk sometime during it. You might participate in it as well.

And today my good friend, Gilly Salmon from the University of Leicester in the UK, informed me of the Learning Futures Festival 2009, November 11-December 19, 2008. This is part of her Beyond Distance Research Alliance. While this one is not free, it is still worth noting since they will have many synchronous events during the coming couple of months prior to their live conference in Leceister in January. The face-to-face event is Thursday January 9th, 2009 in Leicester. I have presented at their conference in January 2006 and January 2007 and know it is quite an engaging and interesting event. Gilly is always filled with creative ideas and activities.

Gilly also sent me a note about the World Future 2009 Conference in Chicago July 17-19, 2009. This looks cool.

Oh by the way, next week, I am doing a preconference workshop at the Sloan-C ALN (Asynchronous Learning Networks) Conference in Orlando on Wednesday November 5th. This workshop will include info on blended learning activities and models as well as dozens of activities related to both my R2D2 model for online learning and my TEC-VARIETY model for online motivation and retention. More importantly, the following day, I will be the plenary speaker. I will present on my upcoming World is Open book. I think they said some 1,300 people were already signed up for it.

Also in Orlando next week is the annual AECT (Association for Educational Curriculum and Technology) Conference. AECT is extremely popular with my graduate students. I plan to pop in there. It is the conference for my department and field at the present time. Attendance has dropped, however, during the past decade or two as other conferences have emerged. Of course this past week, the Educause Conference was held in Orlando as was Elliott Masie's Learn 2008 Conference. Is Orlando the destination for everyone in October and November?

At the end of the week, I will keynote the Illinois School Library Media Association (ISLMA) Conference in Arlington Heights on the north side of Chicago. The keynote will be my old Perfect E-storm talk, recently updated and enhanced. The following day, I will speak on digital literacy.

Remember November 17-21 is the E-Learn Conference in Las Vegas! This is the best one of all! Attendance records already set. You can add to that!

That is it for the conference scene for now. I am sure this will be both tiring and fun. It is exhausting just thinking about. Anyway, enjoy the show! Perhaps I will see you at one of these events. And please say hi if you see me. Even if it is just in the airport going through stupid pet tricks in security lines. Smile!

And Happy Halloween everyone! Oh, if you have not seen "Zombies in Plain English" from Lee Lefever at Common Craft, now is your chance. You can go to the Common Craft website or YouTube. This is a year old. I sure hope they post a new one this year!

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Can We Say FREE Online Conferences and Learning Events?

Hey there. Many free online events coming up in November. I must let you know about them.

1. If you are not attending E-Learn, you might attend this conference for free which my friends Jay Cross and George Siemens are running: Corporate Learning Trends and Innovations 2008, November 17-21, 2008, It is FREE!!!!!!!!!! Funny, George is an invited speaker at E-Learn in Las Vegas at the same time. With online conferences, you can do more than one conference at a time.

2. And the week before, you might attend this US-China virtual symposium on November 11-13: This is being run by Drexel University. It is FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

. Per the editor, Janet Salmons (, “Online collaboration is transforming the way we work together. Whether partnering across organizations or teaming within organizations, people collaborate online to accomplish shared goals. To gain new understandings of these changes, researchers are exploring new collaborative practices and their impacts. The forthcoming IGI publication, a Handbook of Research on Electronic Collaboration and Organizational Synergy, presents a diverse collection of these studies.” There will be 3 free Elluminate events moderated by the book editors, Janet Salmons, and Lynn Wilson, will moderate the panels. After the events, the archives will be online at For more on the Handbook of Research on Electronic Collaboration and Organizational Synergy, coming soon from IGI Global, see: or go to Janet’s blog: Site-
a. October 29: 3 PM EST. ELECTRONIC COLLABORATION WITHIN AND ACROSS ORGANIZATIONS Register at: Niki Lambropoulos , London South Bank University, UK ; Panagiotis Kampylis,University of Jyväskylä, Finland; Sofia Papadimitriou, Teacher, Athens Ingo Frost, Pumacy Technologies AG, Germany
b. November 6: 4 PM EST. STUDYING ELECTRONIC COLLABORATION: RESEARCH, THEORIES AND METHODS. Register at:; Frances Deepwell and Virginia King, Coventry University, United Kingdom; Kenneth Strang, Central Queensland University, Australia; Sandra Chrystal, Marshall School of Business University of Southern California, USA
c. November 12: 3 PM EST, INTERNATIONAL, CROSS-CULTURAL ELECTRONIC COLLABORATION, Register at:; Andre L. Araujo, College of William & Mary, USA; Tine Köhler, George Mason University, USA; Kathy Lynch, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia; Aleksej Heinze, Salford University, England and Elsje Scott, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Finally, there is a technology conference for school leaders this week (October 28-30) in Seattle. NSBA's T+L Conference. and Teresa Berry asked that I mention it so I am. This one is not free or online, however. You have to be there.

Anyway, it seems much choice in your learning pursuits at the end of October and throughout November. It is good to have options. It is even better when those options involve nontraditional forms of learning. We all learn. Jay, Janet, George, the folks from Drexel, and others are making is available to you. They are pushing education ahead in the 21st century. Learn from them! Yes, learn from them for FREE!!!!!!!!! The world needs more such events and people.

Remember to come to E-Learn in Las Vegas November 17-21 (see See you there!

I forgot to mention that submissions for ED-MEDIA 2009 in Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii is June 22-26, 2009. It is a sister conference to E-Learn and also run by the wonderful people at AACE. Your proposals are due December 19th. That is coming up!

Monday, 27 October 2008

E-Learn Conference Speaker Tidbits: Come to Vegas Next Month!

I am program co-chair for the E-Learn Conference in Las Vegas November 17-21. This is coming up fast! I am helping run a preconference symposium for on e-learning in Asia with 12 speakers from 12 different countries. This should be cool! See below an email we sent out last week which has some interesting details about the conference keynote and invited speakers.

Dear Colleagues:

E-Learn 2008:
Keynote/Invited Speakers:

You are invited to the most unique e-learning conference ever held. This promises to be one of the most interesting and engaging conferences you could ever attend. Not surprisingly, the E-Learn Conference has already surpassed its record for registrants!

10 Facts about E-Learn Keynote/Invited Speakers;
Attend E-Learn and Learn More from These Speakers

This Speaker:

1. Led the efforts to create an internationally known online repository called Connexions that is used by millions of people each year. In 2006, he gave a talk on open source learning at famous TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) Conference in Monterey, California just prior to singer Peter Gabriel. Come get “Connexted.”

2. Is developing innovative learning applications for the iPhone. For more than two decades, he has been one of the most engaging and entertaining presenters on the planet. Come hear his invited talk with his colleague from Texas that promises to start the E-Learn Conference off with a bang and be disruptive to K-20 education as we know it!

3. Taught her entire class last fall in YouTube; come hear the results!

4. Developed a new learning theory called 'Connectivism' and is now teaching a class on it with 2,000 participants, only a few of whom are actually enrolled in the course.

5. Helped start the field of learning objects and is on the advisory of the Peer 2 Peer University announced today in the Chronicle of Higher Education. This invited presenter is also the world’s first Chief Openness Officer (COO) at Flat World Knowledge.

6. Created a popular podcast show for learning Mandarin that is currently listened to by more than 300,000 people per month. Not only is he the voice of ChinesePod, but he also has started similar podcasts for teaching English, Spanish, Italian, and French. The invited talk from this Irishman from Shanghai is certain to be quite fascinating!

7. Became famous a few years ago after translating Lord of Rings to Chinese. He then used his royalties to translate MIT courses to traditional and simplified Chinese. This month, he is on the cover of a Taiwanese magazine as a symbol of the current generation. He will tell about his vision for the future of open education and edutainment.

8. Authored several online learning books and is an internationally known consultant with IBM Global Services.

9. Will be speaking to us from a sailboat off the coast of Central America. Yes, at E-Learn, we plan to make some waves this year!

10. Co-authored the 2000 National Academy Press volume How People Learn and is now Director of the Stanford Center for Innovations in Learning which has just received an NSF grant on mobile learning.

E-Learning in Asia Preconference Symposium:

To add to the conference experience, the E-Learn 2008 Program Chairs would like to invite you to the E-Learning in Asia Symposium that has been added to the already excellent program.
Monday, November 17th; 8:30 am-4:45 pm with a special reception: 5-6 pm

This 1-day, preconference Symposium will feature 12 invited speakers from 12 different countries giving their perspectives and insight into the E-Learning environment, trends, and opportunities. E-learning is exploding in Asia. This is your chance to learn from those who have been developing, delivering, and researching new online programs there. Meet them all and hear their stories, challenges, opportunities, and adventures firsthand. It promises to be a highly interactive and informative event!

Included in the symposium will be a continental breakfast, beverage breaks, lunch, and a reception following the event. Cost: $165.

If you already have registered for E-Learn 2008, you may add this one day Symposium by contacting Tracy Jacobs ( She can add the event to your existing registration. Or until Nov. 3, you still can register online for the Conference and Symposium at:

Best regards,
Curtis J. Bonk, Mimi Miyoung Lee, and Tom Reynolds
E-Learn 2008 Program Chairs

To be added to the mailing list for this conference, link

If you already have registered for E-Learn 2008, you may add this one day Symposium by contacting Tracy Jacobs (

AACE--Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
P.O. Box 1545
Chesapeake, Virginia 23327 USA
Phone: 757-366-5606 * Fax: 703-997-8760
E-mail: *

New Report from Apple and the Economist on the Future of Higher Education and How Technology will Reshape It

Breaking news! Every day there is new stuff.

This new report will be a good link to my World is Open book which will be published by Jossey Bass/Wily in June. I am now building an associated website and companion e-book. This new report is coming out from Economist Magazine and Apple Computer today (based on responses from nearly 300 corporate CIOs and technology leaders)--these execs will hopefully be interested in my book; especially those reading Friedman's "World is Flat book. The thrust is how technology is reshaping higher education in the next 5 or so years.

The Report:

The Associated Press Release:

Of course, we all know this. Still I think it is important enough to share. They are not telling us anything new. There are questions on tool use, online learning, technology training, and technology affecting degree offerings. See below for more details.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 4:08 PM
To: Bonk, Curtis Jay
Subject: Report on technology & higher education


Today the NMC is releasing a new white paper, produced in conjunction with the
Economist Magazine and in collaboration with Apple, Inc. The paper, entitled
"The Future of Higher Education: How Technology will Shape Learning" reports
the results of a study of nearly 300 CIOs and technology leaders inside and
outside of education.

The report, being released today at a special CIO Roundtable hosted by Apple in
conjunction with Apple, is free-of-charge, and is being released with a
Creative Commons Attribution license and may be freely copied in its 32-page

The study was designed to uncover perceptions among these leaders specifically
related to the use of technology in higher education worldwide in the coming

The effort, designed by the NMC and conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit
in July and August 2008, included responses from 289 participants: 189 responses
came from higher education and 100 came from companies. The US accounted for
slightly over one-half (154) of all respondents, with the remainder distributed
through Europe (69), Asia-Pacific (43) and the rest of the world (23).
Additionally12 telephone interviews were held with a mix of university chief
information officers and leaders in the private sector.

NMC Platinum Partner, Apple, Inc, plans a series of these CIO Roundtables to
further discuss the implications of the report and to expand awareness of its
findings in the field.

To download the report, visit (32 pp, 1.4 Mb, PDF)

To view the official press release, see (2 pp, 272 K, PDF)

Please join me in thanking the Economist Magazine and Apple, Inc. for their
roles in this collaboration. Hope you find the report useful!

Larry Johnson
Chief Executive Officer

Saturday, 4 October 2008

Another book that's "Opening Up Education" some more

In my prior post, I mentioned that I have a book in press for next June or July with the main title of "The World is Open." I am aware that there is an edited book from MIT Press that covers similar topics to my book though is more academic in nature than my book. It is also focused more on open courseware, open educational resources, and open source software which are just 3 of the 10 trends of my book.

I met the editors of this book back in late March 2007 during a conference at Rice University that the Hewlett Foundation had sponsored for the grantees of the strand related to open educational resources. At the time, it seemed the editors were chatting about their book and I was having a beer listening to some of the interesting conversation. I was sitting next to them at the hotel pub and I asked them what they were talking about. They told me about their book project and I told them about my mine. The people sitting next to me were: Toru Iiyoshi who is Senior Scholar and Director of the Knowledge Media Lab at the Carnegie Foundation and M. S. Vijay Kumar who is Senior Associate Dean and Director of the Office of Educational Innovation and Technology at MIT.

What I found out was that they were hard at work on editing a groundbreaking book related to open education while I had been thinking about an edited book myself that extended Thomas Friedman's World is Flat book to education. In fact, I had a proposal in review for such an edited book of people who were heroes, gurus, and revolutionaries of the shared Internet. However, earlier that month in Tampa, Florida I met with a small book publisher who had a recent book out called "The World is Flat?" He convinced me to write the book myself and not do an edited book. So I did. I spent a year in near seclusion without any TV, international travel, beer, friends, etc. and I wrote it up.

It is now fully a year and one-half later. Funny, 18 months later and their book is out and mine is now in review. Still, I think back in March 2007 they were already collecting chapters and I had yet to start writing (that would come 3 months later). And my book may become 2 books--a hardcover one with Jossey Bass/Wiley and a free e-book. The tentative full title is: "The World Is Open: How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education." Yes, we have entered a revolution in learning.

The title of their new book is:
Opening Up Education: The Collective Advancement of Education through Open Technology, Open Content, and Open Knowledge."

It is both a free e-book (available as a PDF) as well as available in hardcover.

A few of the contributors to this book include:
1. Richard Baraniuk, Professor and Founder of Connexions at Rice University.
2. Trent Batson, Communications Strategist in MIT's Office of Educational Innovation and Technology and Editor of Campus Technology.
3. John Seely Brown, Chief of Confusion.
4. Tom Carey, Professor of Management Sciences in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo and Program Director of the MERLOT ELIXR program.
5. James Dalziel Director of the LAMS Foundation and Professor of Learning Technology and Director of the Macquarie E-Learning Centre Of Excellence (MELCOE) at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia.
6. Bernadine Chuck Fong, president emerita of Foothill College and a visiting scholar at Stanford University.
7. Gerard Hanley, Executive Director of MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) and Senior Director for Academic Technology Services for the California State University.
8. Diana Laurillard Chair of Learning with Digital Technologies in the School of Mathematics, Science and Technology from the London Knowledge Lab in the UK,
Marilyn Lombardi.
9. Phil Long, Associate Director, Office of Educational Innovation & Technology
Office of the Dean for Undergraduate Education at MIT.
10. Anne Margulies, Executive Director, OpenCourseWare at MIT.
11. Diana Oblinger the President and CEO of EDUCAUSE.
12. Marshall Smith the Program Director for the Education Program at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.
13. Candace Thille, director of the Open Learning Initiative (OLI) at Carnegie Mellon University.
14. David Wiley, Associate Professor from BYU and, Chief Openness Officer (COO) of Flat World Knowledge.

These are just 14 of the authors; there are many more! It is quite an impressive group of people. It is so impressive that this week the Chronicle of Higher Education posted an article (dated October 17th) from John Seely Brown. This article is basically the foreword to the “Opening Up Education" book. Bravo! Note that it is dated for mid October and is already out.

You can read more about this book at the MIT Press Website. MIT Press has a description of the book. In addition, you can download the entire book or sample chapters.

There are at least a dozen (12) ways to explore this book. You can:
1. Download and explore individual chapters.
2. Download the entire book.
3. Read the whole document as iPaper in Scribd. (Note: this book is now listed in "What's hot right now" in Scribd.
4. Read about the copyright licensing at Creative Commons.
5. Read the abstract at Educause.
6. Read the MIT Press log.
7. Print or read an 18 page Executive Summary.
8. Read "Open Education News" from MIT.
9. You can also buy the book from Amazon for $16.47 (down from $24.95 list).
10. Also highly interesting and becoming increasingly common these days, the book editors and John Seely Brown had an online discussion about this book on October 2, 2008, which you can watch.
11. There is another site wherein you can hear the above discussion as well as from some of the authors about their respective chapters. There is even a YouTube video of at least one of these author presentations. I see many more are also posted, including an interesting one from John Seely Brown and another from my friend, David Wiley from BYU.
12. Finally, you can get involved with the authors and anyone else about the book.

Look at all these venues for distributing and marketing your book and its associated ideas. Amazing! And this is just the tip of the iceberg of what is possible. We have entered a new age of being a scholar, author, and participate in higher education. This week Thursday I will be presenting a keynote talk on new ideas for digital scholarship at a regional conference on "Advances in Teaching and Learning" the University of Texas Medical Center in Houston.

Clearly MIT Press has done a great job getting word out about this book and offering options. The book authors and editors undoubtedly played a huge role in this. That is not too surprising since they believe in a more free and open educational world where everyone can learn. They have truly opened up education with their book.

My "The World is Open" (TWIO) book with Jossey Bass/Wiley will likely have a hardcover version and, unlike other books, there will be a companion e-book. Other than a summary chart or two, no content will be duplicated between the two. Each will stand on their own. TWIO will be a tradebook and hopefully easily found at your local bookstores. For those who cannot afford the book such as those in developing countries as well as those who want to share the essence of it with friends, family, and colleagues, I plan to post the companion e-book and myriad resources, references, Weblinks, etc., later to the website. I will start blogging huge sections of it sometime in March I think. Till then, I recommend the "Opening Up Education" book. May the world be forever open to education!

Thursday, 2 October 2008

"The World is Open" Keynote and Web 2.0 Panel in Wonderful Wisconsin: Now WE-ALL-LEARN!!!

Good news! I finally have a link to the World is Open talk I did at the Wisconsin Distance Teaching and Learning Conference in early August. This relates to the book I finished writing this past summer and that I spent a year writing. This book will hopefully be published by Jossey Bass/Wiley next June or July. I wrote too much (some 270,000 words) so I had to carefully remove some 108,000 words. The working title of this new book is: "The World Is Open: How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education." That could change between now and June. The main idea for the book is based on my ten trend model called WE-ALL-LEARN. If you watch the talk, you will learn that WE-ALL-LEARN stands for.

The 100,000+ words of removed text will be smoothed over and perhaps made into a free e-book companion or extension of the main book next year. So, if we can do that, the World is REALLY Open. I intend for it to parallel the printed book and maybe have some reflection or retreat questions embedded in it. I am working on that now. I will also blog on it before the book comes out. At a later date, I will begin posting this to my new website: (stay tuned--nothing there yet).

The Wisconsin conference people estimate that perhaps 850 came to the keynote. My sister, brother-in-law, and nephew were there as were many friends. It is always great to present in Madison since the University of Wisconsin is my alma mater. During the keynote, I had people holding up signs that spelled "NOW WE ALL LEARN" during the start of each of the 10 learning technology trends which I highlighted. Paul Kim, mentioned below, was among the sign bearers. Each of 4 sections got a different word to yell out. The loudest 2 sections got a million dollars for each person in their section. It was fun to do. Again, below is the keynote talk if you want to try to experience it. Unfortunately, you only see me. You sorta had to be there to feel the impact.

1. Wisconsin DL Conference main site
2. My keynote description and link to presentation.
3. Direct link to talk.
4. My slides from my "The World is Open: Now WE-ALL-LEARN with Web Technology" talk and a version of the talk from the Pulse pen of James Moore.

Technology trends opening access to education worldwide: Now, we all can learn!
Speaker: Curt Bonk, PhD, Indiana University

Talk Description: According to Thomas Friedman's book, The World is Flat, worldwide economic trends are flattening. In education, however, opportunities for learning are actually expanding through a myriad of emerging distance technologies. From online content in the form of e-books, podcasts, streamed videos, and satellite maps to participatory environments such as social networking, wikis, and alternate reality worlds, technology-based learning continues to open new learning pathways. At the same time, more instructors are sharing their course materials and teaching ideas globally, thereby expanding learning opportunities and resources. And the software used to deliver such online learning contents and experiences is increasingly available as open source.

Naturally, many questions surround such systems, sites, and resources. For example, how can instructors and learners in developed and developing countries take advantage of these trends? For what purpose will people share? How can these trends converge to address individual learner's needs worldwide?
Curt Bonk will address these issues while enticing participants to think of implications for their organizations, countries, and regions of the world as well as for themselves as leaders and learners.

My friend, George Siemens, from the University of Manitoba also had a keynote (see description of it).

Direct lonk to talk: Connectivism: A Vision for Education

Keynote speaker: George Siemens
Talk Description: Information creation, dissemination, and sharing increasingly occur in distributed networks. For decades, educators have sought ways to increase learners' control over their own learning. Social media, such as blogs, virtual worlds, wikis, bookmarking, and networking, create a shift from a centralized to a distributed learning model. However, learner autonomy is not without consequence. What is the role of the instructor in a distributed learning model? How are authority and trust created?

Hierarchies of content, dialogue, and authority are being transformed into learning networks. As these foundational elements of education change, the very model of education itself needs to be reconsidered. What does it mean to learn and to be educated in a digital, global world? How should institutions, educators, and administrators react?

George Siemens will explore the effects of changed learner relationships with each other, with content, with educational institutions, and with a global society. He will present a vision of education that blends the rapidly changing needs of today's learners with the established challenge of education as a transformative agent in society.

In addition to the keynotes, George and I were on a conference panel related to the Web 2.0 which sorta ended the conference.

Forum 3 - The world of Web 2.0 in distance education
Friday, August 8th

"Online learning environments have been changing quickly over the past few years. The Web has shifted from a passive medium to an interactive one in which content is created, shared, remixed, repurposed, and passed along. Learners are playing a more active role in their experience moving content creation and models of teaching to a new level. This forum will discuss the latest innovations, models, and best practices for utilizing Web 2.0 applications in distance teaching and learning."

Part 1: “This part of the forum will concentrate on the many approaches for creating community and increasing social learning utilizing technologies such as wikis and blogs, podcasting, mobile computing, social bookmarking, and personal learning environments.”
Moderator: Pam Scheibel, Clinical Professor, School of Nursing, University of Wisconsin–Madison

Panelists:Michael Simonson, Program Professor, Instructional Technology and Distance Education, Nova Southeastern University
Marilyn Lombardi, Director, the Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) Center, Duke University
Paul Kim, Chief Technology Officer, Stanford University School of Education

Direct Link to Part 1 with my friend Paul Kim from Stanford (See his section 25 minutes in to 53 minutes). Paul is loaded with cool mobile, virtual, and interactive Web 2.0 stuff. And his talk is packed with both research data and stories of companies he is working with out in the Silicon Valley.

Part 2: “Panelists in the second part of this forum will discuss writing, publishing, and scholarly pursuit through the use of Web 2.0 tools such as creative commons, electronic publication, and open educational resources.”

Moderator: Pam Scheibel, Clinical Professor, School of Nursing, University of Wisconsin–Madison
George Siemens, Associate Director of Research and Development, University of Manitoba
Curt Bonk, Professor, Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University

Direct link to Part 2 with George and I is here.

The charge of our panel mainly concerned ideas related to digital scholarship. I have spent the past few days extending that talk into more elaborated and refined presentation for a conference at the University of Texas (UT) Medical Center next week Thursday October 9th ("Time Not Wasted: Digital Scholarship in the Web 2.0"). Thanks to George Siemens for all his marvelous ideas that assisted me in this presentation.

Enjoy the Web 2.0 forum and the keynotes! Paul Kim shows some amazing stuff as do the others--Michael Simonson, Marilyn Lombardi, etc. Again, the Web 2.0 forum is here. There were two other panels and a third keynote--all have videostreamed talks at this site. You might check them out.

If you happen to watch my keynote, let me know what you think of the WE-ALL-LEARN model (you can send email to More on this to come in later posts.