Sitting in Terminal A in the Indianapolis airport on route to Detroit and then Seoul for E-Learning week. Will speak at 4 universities in Seoul when there. Will see many friends, IU alumni, and colleagues. Should be a great experience. To get ready, I had to teach 2 weeks of classes in 1 week. Prepping 7 talks for Korea, meeting new students, teaching intensively, packing, coordinating, etc. I will be happy to jump on the plane and sleep. Color PDFs of all my talks in Korea are posted (as are all my previous ones). The conference program is also up.
If you are in Korea and want to come to any of my university talks (Kyung Hee University Friday the 2nd of Sept; Ewha Womens University Monday the 5th; Sungkyunkwan University Thursday the 8th; or Hanyang Cyber/Hanyang University Friday the 9th), just send me a note. I have spoken at all these places before except for Sungkyunkwan University. Many great friends to see at each stop. My E-learning Week talk is Tuesday the 6th late in the day and I will be on a panel the following day. On Friday the 9th at 7 pm many Indiana University alums of my program in Instructional Systems Technology as well as other friends will meet at Octoberfest at 7 pm. Should be fun. I also plan a trip to the DMZ (demilitarized zone) on Saturday the 3rd. Given my son is from Korea and my father fought in the Korean War, I have been looking forward to the DMZ for some time now. My father took many pictures in 1952-53 when he was there.
I expect to learn about many new innovations and technology projects in Korea. There is always something going on there. Many interesting speakers coming to E-Learning week. Much is crammed into my time there....arrive September 2nd and return on September 11. Yes, I will fly on 9-11-11. Ug. I flew on the first 2 anniversaries of 911 and no one was in the airport. Not sure what will happen this time. And not sure when I will get back to Korea again.
In other news, my R685 World is Open with Web Technology course on Monday nights is now a 52 page syllabus. Everything is a hot link. The course has extensive resources for mobile learning, virtual worlds, collaborative technologies, open educational resources, online education, digital books, blogging, podcasting, etc. And it starts with an exploration of many strategic plans from the world if higher education, military training, K-12 education, and workplace learning. Then it moves into current ideas about the digital learning skills one needs today. Feel free to check out the syllabus and let me know what I am missing. The world is open for you now. Explore! Excite! Engage!
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