Saturday, 26 June 2010

TravelinEdMan tours upstate New York...Next up Ohio and Oz

Speaking Updates (the past 2 weeks and the next few weeks):

My time at Hudson Valley Community College in Troy, New York (Albany area) was great (June 16-17). Apparently, President Obama spoke there in September 2009. Susan Gallagher, the Director of Distance & Online Learning took really good care of me during their disance learning day. She got me a lovely suite at a nearby hotel. After my keynote, I got to hear from some of their faculty members. There were many impressive presentations related to the use of wikis, open educational resources, free software, shared online video, online discussion, etc. It was fun to kick back and listen after I was done, rather than present another talk.

That afternoon I drove to Syracuse, NY and stayed with my brother Tom and his family for a couple of nights. On Friday, he and I drove over to Syracuse University where Dr. Jing Lei, Associate Professor of Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation organized for me to do a symposium on my World is Open book. It was my first time on that campus and so after the talk, Jing took us for a tour of the campus and to a local pub for a beer or 2 or ??? Always good to finally meet someone for whom you wrote a letter of recommendation/review for tenure as I had done for Jing the previous year.

This coming week (Tuesday afternoon), I will present 2 talks at the newly remodeled library at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. These talks at OSU are free and open to the public. The last time I spoke on the OSU campus it was 1998 and it was for a job interview to direct the student success center that they were building at the time. Needless to say, I did not move to OSU and it was likely a good decision to stay in Bloomington.

The day after the OSU talks (Wednesday June 30th), I will present 4 times at Franklin University which is also in Columbus. These talks are open for any of my friends so let me know if you want to attend. Color PDFs for all six of the talks are already posted to my archived talks at TrainingShare as are the talks from Hudson Valley CC and Syracuse U. I will see a few old friends and new friends when in Columbus. Should be fun.

It is always great to travel somewhere for two (or more) events rather than just one. Speaking of which, I will travel to Melbourne on July 6th (arrive the 8th). I immediately will get picked up for a visit to the Melbourne Concention Center as people there want to host the Global Learn conference sometime (not sure when) so I am having a look. That day I will also present on blended and mobile learning at Deakin University in the Melbourne area. That night I will also attend the conference dinner of the HERDSA 2010 higher education conference. This will be held at Etihad Stadium. What a first day in Melbourne! Greg Barton (from Monash U) and Siew-Mee Barton (from Deakin U) will take good care of me during my week in Melbourne. Joe Luca from Edith Cowan U will also be in town the first day.

The next day I will present at the EINet Informal E-Learning Congress. The program is posted as well. My old friend Clint Smith, formerly of TAFE Frontiers (Technical and Further Education), found out I am coming and is bringing me in. He will also take me to a footie game the next day and coastal trip the following Tuesday.

I am mainly going for the MoodleMoot conference in July. I will be helping with a huge Masterclass workshop on July 11th and my keynote is July 12th. I will also debate Martin Dougiamas who developed Moodle later that day (Monday the 12th). And on the night of the 13th, they want me to give a funny dinner talk on 100 ways to identify someone teaching ineffectively online. Suggestions welcome. I told them that many Australians think I am funny since when I was there last time (8 years ago), I perhaps was. Lately, I have been trying to give more serious talks...but it will be a good challenge to throw in some good old fashion humor again. (A smile and a wink to those who know me.)

After than it is on to Melbourne where I am speaking at a K-12 event held at the Novotel at Brighton Beach. It looks very nice! The conference is the 2010 NSW Department of Education and Training Office of the Schools Conference--Engaging learners through innovative practice. I arrive on Wednesday July 14th and my keynote and workshop are on Thursday the 15th. I might present at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) on the 16th. Old friends like Dr. Christine Dennis from Australian Catholic University and her husband might take me to dinner. Ditto friends like Rick Bennett from the College of Fine Arts at UNSW. Rick is the brains behind the very cool Omnium project for online photomedia and design.

I will also see my photomedia friend Gary David (a former ed tech guru turned "artographer") on Saturday who now runs Gary David Images. I hope to spend Saturday catching up with him. And then I will see Max Gallo from Navitas on Sunday morning before I come back. Navitas provides English training to young people seeking to attend universities in the USA, UK, Canada, etc. I gave a couple of talks for them a few months ago from the USA that were taped talks. Max had recommended me since he saw me speak in Dubai 6-7 years ago back when I used to be funny. True story...Max said he would cancel the invitation to speak if I was not funny (I think he was joking) I came up with something new for them that I am still using.

As you can see, the Australia trip is jam packed from departure on July 6th to return on the 18th. Should make for interesting times or so I hope. When I return, however, I need to work on other things like my free e-book extension of my World is Open book.

I think that is enough for now...whatcha all think? Hope to see some of you at my OSU talks in Columbus! Perhaps I will update my blog when in Oz. Not sure.

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