Sorry I have not posted lately. I was at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) meeting in San Diego this past week. And I stayed a few extra days with my colleague, Tom Reynolds, before and after. Tom lives near La Jolla. During AERA, I presented a couple of papers on YouTube and also gave a keynote on my World is Open book to a Chinese research special interest group. My son, Alex, was on the YouTube papers and presentations. These are his first conference papers. Hooray! Alex is a 21 year old sociology student at Indiana University. He may double major in fine arts.
So last week was southern California--great running on the beaches of Torrey Pines and Delmar this past weekend. Two weeks prior, I was in mid to northern California from Santa Barbara to Santa Maria to San Luis Obispo to Monterey to San Francisco to Berkeley. It was some week! Many great pictures were taken.
I stayed with Ron Owston from York University when in Santa Barbara for one night. He was finishing his sabbatical there. Then I drove up the coast and spoke on online learning and technology integration at community colleges--Alan Hancock in Santa Maria and Cuesta Community College in San Luis Obispo. The farmers market and music scene in San Luis Obispo on a Thursday night is incredible! It was fun to hear what both of these colleges were up to. Beautiful places. After that, I spent Friday afternoon (April 10th) driving up the coast on highway 1 to Monterey. When I got there, I saw 3 of my former students for dinner and breakfast. After a night there, I dropped off my car and YaTing Teng, a doctoral candidate from the University of Illinois picked me up and took me to Jay Cross' house in Berkeley for an YouTube interview on my World is Open book. I had helped YaTing get an internship at Adobe last year in San Jose so she was kind enough to come get me and take me around. After the session with Jay, 10 friends and former students met in an Asia bistro in Milbrae (in the South Bay area of San Francisco) for dinner. I stayed with Peter Young that night in Pacifica and he took me to the airport at 4 am the next morning.
So I continue to be on the road. Next up are 2 short trips to Illinois (one for a dissertation defense and one to help a small college think about the future of colleges and future of libraries and such). After that, I journey to Korea from May 6 to 19th for a series of talks at various places including Incheon, Seoul, Daegu, and Seoul again. Former students and colleagues are taking care of me each day. While I am speaking at many places, I am mainly going there to keynote the Korean Society for Educational Technology (KSET) conference on May 16th. I will present a talk related to my World is Open book. It will be great to catch up with many of my Korean friends!
Tomorrow I will also speak on the World is Open book for Wiley Publishing (the actual title of the book us: "The World is Open: How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education"). My webinar with Wiley is in the afternoon (tomorrow Tuesday April 21st) from 4-5 pm EST. It is free to attend. More information is here:
More on this talk:
According to Thomas Friedman's book, The World is Flat, worldwide economic trends are flattening. In education, however, opportunities for learning are actually expanding or opening up through a myriad of emerging distance technologies. These opportunities can be seen in ten technology trends that spell the acronym: "WE-ALL-LEARN." From online content in the form of e-books, podcasts, streamed videos, and satellite maps to participatory environments such as social networking, wikis, and alternate reality worlds, technology-based learning continues to open new learning pathways. At the same time, more instructors are sharing their course materials and teaching ideas globally, thereby expanding learning opportunities and resources. And the software used to deliver such online learning contents and experiences is increasingly available as open source. Naturally, many questions surround such systems, sites, and resources. For example, how can instructors and learners in developed and developing countries take advantage of these trends? For what purpose will people share? How can these trends converge to address individual learner's needs worldwide? Curt Bonk will address these issues while enticing participants to think of implications for their organizations, countries, and regions of the world as well as for themselves as leaders and learners.
More on the book (it comes out on July 13th):
Hope to see you there!!! I sent final page proofs back to the publisher this afternoon. Next, I need to work with all the cut text and turn it into a free book.
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