Lisa Neal, Editor-in-Chief, eLearn Magazine, informed me that eLearn Magazine's Predictions for 2009 came out last week (including one I made). See: Lisa Neal, Editor-in-Chief, eLearn Magazine, informed me that eLearn Magazine's Predictions for 2009 came out last week (including one I made).
Here is my prediction lame as it is:
As economies worsen and country and state and provincial budgets tighten, free online courses, programs, and universities will increasingly be discussed, debated, and ultimately enrolled in. The trend toward teaching language online from peer-to-peer in 2008 will continue to mushroom and lead to greater acceptance not just of teaching languages in free and collaborative ways, but of entire courses, programs, and degrees. As free and open learning becomes the norm for millions of learners around the globe, high schools, universities, and corporate training centers will need to adjust their policies, procedures, and philosophies related to teaching and learning. If not, it may be time to say goodbye to many of them in 2009.
—Curt Bonk, Professor, Indiana University, USA.
Others making predictions include Clark Quinn (from Quinnovation), Patti Shank, Roger Schank, Margaret Driscoll, Chris Dede, Richard Mayer, Bryan Chapman, Jay Cross, Saul Carliner, Janet Clarey, and a host of others. Always interesting to read these each January. Can you figure out which 5 or 10 percent of these will actually be correct? That is a tough call to be sure. So, your best bet is to look across them for themes or to write a comment or reaction to them.
Lisa Neal encourages you and your friends and colleagues to read and add to the predictions, and include a link on your website or blog. In addition, eLearn Magazine is looking for new columnists; so let Lisa know if you are interested in writing a column (under 1,000 words) or submitting a new article.
Here is her contact:
Lisa Neal Gualtieri, Ph.D. Editor-in-Chief, eLearn Magazine, Blog on education:
I hope you enjoy the e-learning predictions for 2009 and the Year 2009 even more!
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