Wednesday, 7 December 2005

Why Blog After All???

Sarah Haavind from Harvard and Sylvia Curry from Simon Fraser University have me reflecting in SCoPE (see on why to blog. Sarah put forth a challenge to share with her ways blogs can be used instructionally. Here is my response:

"Thanks for citing me Sarah. I am still learning all the ins and outs of blogs and blogging myself. yes, there is a pressing need for threaded discussions in Blogger and easier ways to post web resources and and and (we need many tools). Among the differences from an online forum are the following:

1. It is a personal space and a personally shared space. When you use a blog, it is your tool and your space to reflect on things and draw people in. A discussion forum is everyone's space.

2. Related to #1, it is a way of building identity; I am TravelinEdMan and no one else. You can send others to your personal URL or space. You typically cannot do that in a discussion.

3. It is semi-permanent. When a class ends, an online discussion often ends, but not a blog.

4. You can invite others to it--anyone including parents and grandparents. Discussion forums are usually restricted to a community of class.

5. You can keep building on them after a class has ended and look back at your personal growth. In a discussion forum. you often cannot do that.

Ok, there are some differences perhaps if you are talking about a discussion forum that is limited to a particular community or class. I am sure that there are at least 5 more to get us to 10 things."

What do you think?

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