The V-PORTAL…“Video Primers in an Online Repository for e-Teaching and Learning”
...A month ago, I mentioned that I would have (what I think is...) a major announcement soon. Well, I finally found the time to post this. Are you primed for it? I hope so! Here it is...
During the past year, in collaboration with the Instructional Consulting office and the Instructional Systems Technology (IST) Department in the School of Education at Indiana University, I have designed and produced a series of 27 brief (7-10 minute) videos related to teaching online. This video (or video podcast) series, “Video Primers in an Online Repository for e-Teaching and Learning” (V-PORTAL), covers topics for both novice and more expert online instructors and educators. Those watching them can learn how to engage learners with Web 2.0 technologies, build instructor presence, prepare highly interactive and relevant online activities, access free and open course resources, plan for the future of e-learning, and much more. See below for links as well as show descriptions.
Links to the “V-PORTAL”:
1. Watch the Videos & Find Resources (Firefox preferred): IU School of Ed Instructional Consulting Office):
In addition to links to these 27 videos, the above link includes additional Web resources, color PDFs of Dr. Bonk PowerPoint slides, and a feedback form for each of the 27 shows. This is the main V-PORTAL site.
2. For faster access, watch in Bonk’s YouTube Channel (use any browser):
This second Website above was created for those wanting to quickly access the videos in YouTube and perhaps jump around between them. Try it out! Hundreds of people already have.
List of 27 videos:
1. Planning an Online Course
2. Managing an Online Course: General
3. Managing an Online Course: Discussion Forums
4. Providing Feedback
5. Reducing Plagiarism
6. Building Community
7. Building Instructor and Social Presence
8. Online Relationships: Student-Student, Student-Instructor, Student-Practitioner, Student-Self
9. Fostering Online Collaboration/Teaming
10. Finding Quality Supplemental Materials
11. Blended Learning: General
12. Blended Learning: Implementation
13. Blended Learning: The Future
14. Online Writing and Reflection Activities
15. Online Visual Learning
16. Using Existing Online Video Resources
17. Webinars and Webcasts
18. Podcasting Uses and Applications
19. Wiki Uses and Applications
20. Blog Uses and Applications
21. Collaborative Tool Uses and Applications
22. Hands-On/Experiential Learning
23. Coordinating Online Project, Problem, and Product-Based Learning
24. Global Connections and Collaborations
25. Assessing Student Online Learning
26. Ending, Archiving, Updating, and Reusing an Online Course
27. Trends on the Horizon
Production Note: These 27 video primers were designed and produced during the fall of 2009 and on into much of 2010. They were finalized and announced in October 2010.
3. Alternative Access Site:
My friends at Kind Khalid University (KKU) in Abha, Saudi Arabia are translating to Arabic. They already have a site in English. See link below.
King Khalid University (KKU), Abha, Saudi Arabia; E-Learning at KKU:; see videos:
I hope that there will be more such alternative access sites (e.g., in Chinese, Malay, Korean, Spanish, German, Canadian, etc.) in the coming years. Sending a big smile to those I know in Alberta, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland.
Who might use? How might you use these videos?
There are many intended audiences for these videos as well as many possible uses. Whether you are interested in emerging technologies or innovative pedagogies, I hope that you find something of value in this video primer series. What's more, you can watch them on the Web for free from anywhere in the world. You can view them while sitting at home in your pajamas and fuzzy slippers while sipping some hot chocolate, eating lunch at your office desk, or relaxing at a mountain or lakeside retreat. Each lesson is delivered to you in 10 minutes or less.
Those seeking additional information or some personalization regarding the content of these videos can always send me a request--as the host and developer of all 27 shows--to give you and your staff a personal overview of any of these topics. Such a session might be live or online. In addition, I am always happy to send any articles I have written (see my open access publications) or recommend others you might read. You might find many free articles and other resources in my 43 page R685 course syllabus “World is Open with Web Technology” (i.e., a course on the Web 2.0) this fall; everything is a hot link. One might also explore the "Free Stuff" at my World is Open book Website.
Back to the videos…For those simply glancing at a few of these videos and then discussing some of the content within your respective institution or organization, I believe that your instructors, instructional designers, and administrators will be better prepared for the highly interesting and complex world of online teaching and learning. Enjoy these free video primers in the V-PORTAL. I know of no other set of such videos at this moment in time….though I could be wrong.
You might give certificates out to teachers or trainers who watch and reflect on how they might use ideas found in each one of them. Some other potential uses of these video primers are listed below.
Ten Ways to Use:
1. Instructor Training: present videos to online instructors for reflection.
2. Workshops: the 27 video primers might be embedded in brief or extended workshop.
3. Certification: design activities related to the videos as part of a larger training program.
4. Student Courses: videos could be used as supplements to course readings related to new or emerging technologies, online teaching and learning, and blended learning.
5. Personal Exploration: dig into an area of interest.
6. Discussion: present a video for 10 minutes followed by 5-10 minutes or more of discussion or reflection activities.
7. Debates: these resources might jump-start debates on new courses, programs, or initiatives.
8. Strategic Planning: these videos might be used to highlight new directions or potential areas related to online learning that a department, program, school, university, corporation, or organization might head.
9. Retreats: the contents of the V-PORTAL might find its way into faculty or administrator retreats.
10. Accomplishments/Strengths and Challenges/Weaknesses: organizations and institutions might compare the ideas in these videos to accomplishments or areas of strength as well as pending challenges or weaknesses that are in need of further development.
These possible uses are listed at my talk description site:
Those wanting more ideas on how to use shared online video for instruction might read this paper that I wrote two years ago. This article details the theory from educational psychology behind the use of video anchors in instruction while also laying out 20 ways that they might be used from instructor-centered and learner-centered pedagogical approaches.
Bonk, C. J. (2008, March). YouTube anchors and enders: The use of shared online video content as a macrocontext for learning. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2008 Annual Meeting, New York, NY.
Or this one from last year:
Bonk, C. J. (2009, October 5). Using Shared Online Video to Anchor Instruction: YouTube and Beyond, Faculty Focus, Magna Publications, Madison, WI.
If you are really enamored with shared online video like the V-PORTAL, I also have created a portal of more than 50 shared online video portals and resources. As you can see, I am quite excited by the use of online video in instruction.
Final side notes:
I hope that people find these video primers valuable. Each one begins with a commentary from me and then I fade into the right hand corner of the screen in a picture-in-picture presentation mode. I had a high definition camera in the room which utilized a Tandberg lecture capturing video system. Using file compression, the Tandberg system produced three different quality files--low, medium, and high resolution.
Each video pod was shot without direct editing, other than my assistant, Jake Enfield (a doctoral student in my program), adding the starting and ending screens and chopping off the extraneous beginnings and endings. For some videos, support people in the instructional consulting office at IU had to make adjustments to better sync my audio/voice with the videos. They also reviewed numerous takes of many of the video pods to help me select the right one. In effect, there were many people hours spent here for which I am highly appreciative. Still considering all the content, it was a fairly low budget, but highly effective. A great team! As noted below, there was some frustration at times, but we survived.
There is much content in the 27 shows. It took a long time to create them (1 year). It was like writing a book. So, yes, I am very glad to be done. Many days of filming…some with rolling brownouts and room temperatures of over 100 and others when I had the flu and a personal temperature of well over 100. Still other days I was losing my voice. But all-in-all, I think you will like the final product. As you will notice, I wear 27 different shirts and ties in these 27 different shoes; most of them are Jerry Garcia ties.
Ok, now, it's time to be primed...explore them, enjoy them, and perhaps expand on them.
Recap and Reminder: The V-PORTAL: Video Primers in an Online Repository for e-Teaching and Learning (Reminder of the 2 main sites): 1. more comprehensive site from IU Instructional Consulting Office with additional Web resources; or 2. the faster playing YouTube site that I created.
Important Acknowledgment: I want to acknowledge and publicly express thanks to the School of Education at Indiana University in Bloomington which funded this highly valuable and momentous production effort. In particular, the IU School of Education Instructional Consulting office and the Instructional Systems Technology (IST) Department played key roles in their planning, generation, and dissemination.
Permissions Note: You have permission to make a Web link to these videos, share information about these contents with others, or translate the contents to another language, as long as the contents (i.e., the movies) included here are used for non-profit educational purposes. As a courtesy to the Indiana University School of Education and myself (Dr. Curt Bonk, the host of the 27 video primers), please send me an e-mail at (cjbonk at indiana dot edu) or to the Instructional Consulting office in the IU School of Education at "" to let us know how you are using these learning resources (i.e., the intended purpose). You might also state who is using them. Thank you.
Friday, 26 November 2010
Announcing the "V-PORTAL": Video Primers in an Online Repository for e-Teaching and Learning...
Thursday, 18 November 2010
November Rain?...This year, it is more of a flood of ed tech-related articles...some say 19; I say count.
Twenty Educational Technology-related Articles…from November 2010.
Introductory Statement for November Rain Blog Post: It's raining ed tech articles. Yes, once again, it is hard to keep up with all the news related to emerging technologies. Frustration kicks in. But will you kick back? I hope so. Now, for those 20 articles...
1. Want to know the state of online learning in K-12 education in the USA? Here is a brief summary of the highlights from this report.
Growth of online instruction continues, though unevenly, Staff Report, eSchool News, November 16, 2010.
2. Want more info? Here is the full K-12 online learning report filled with useful data and interesting charts. Long report at 150 pages but many useful visuals.
Keeping Pace with K-12 Online Learning: An Annual Review of Policy and Practice, Written by John Watson, Amy Murin, Lauren Vashaw, Butch Gemin, and Chris Rapp and colleagues at Evergreen Education Group, November 2010.
3. Want to know the state of online learning in higher education in the USA? Here is a brief summary of the findings.
Enrollment in Online Courses Increases at the Highest Rate Ever, Travis Kaya, Chronicle of Higher Education, November 16, 2010.
4. What more info from that report? Ok, here is the full report. It is not too long—30 pages. Good stuff in here. Many useful charts. I have been sharing them with my students and colleagues the past couple of days.
Class Differences: Online Education in the United States, 2010, I. Elaine Allen and Jeff Seaman, The Sloan Consortium, November 2010.
5. Are you interested in how the for-profit companies like Kaplan, ITT, and the University of Phoenix are responding to politicians and educators about things like student funding, quality, job placements and graduation rates, etc.? Well, not all that is in the next article. Sorry about that...but it is a start.
Kaplan's CEO Faces Tough Questions From Public-University Leaders, Paul Fain, Chronicle of Higher Education, November 16, 2010.
6. Here’s a recent article about an online learning research study at the University of Florida from the New York Times that I disagree with (and that had been reported earlier in eSchool News and the Chronicle of Higher Education) and wrote to the authors about. I think there was a one point difference between students who came to live lectures and those who only watched the videos. There were differences in the Hispanic population, however. But keep in mind that many of whom lacked quality access. It is difficult for me to get too excited about such individual studies like this when there are huge meta-analyses (albeit with problems) that show the opposite.
Live vs. Distance Learning: Measuring the Differences, Trip Gabriel, New York Times, November 5, 2010.
7. Interested in creativity coming from Korea like the new Galaxy Tab from Samsung? Or just interested in Korea like me? Read on.
Samsung cranks up creativity as it focuses on mobile Net, Roger Yu, USA Today, November 16, 2010.
8. Interested in the life of someone who writes papers for students so that they do not have to? Totally fascinating article. I loved reading this one and so too did my son Alex…a real eye opener! Much honesty in it--how professional writers help students cheat. The most popular article in the Chronicle of Higher Education this week. The author made $66,000 of income so far this year writing student term papers and master’s theses. True. And he is coming out of the closet with this article…well not quite…his true identity is not revealed.
The Shadow Scholar: The man who writes your students' papers tells his story, Ed Dante, Chronicle of Higher Education, November 12, 2010.
9. And interesting and spot on article is “Voodoo Education.” I think this article is nearly as important as the previous one--Trent Batson (whose work I have been reading for more than 2 decades—a technology and writing guru) discusses how teaching in higher education must begin to change and how the Web 2.0 can help. I appreciate that he refers to writing research from the 1980s (which is the stuff I was writing and reading about for my dissertation).
Voodoo Education: Why Are We Still in Its Spell, by Trent Batson, Campus Technology, November 17, 2010.
10. Not interested in Voodoo Education? Perhaps you are interested in Twitter use by age, gender, education, etc.? If so, this one’s for you.
Who are All of These Tweeple? By Brian Solis, November 10, 2010.
11. Or perhaps you are interested in how baby boomers are using social networking and other emerging technologies. CBS News and the USA Today have had a special this week on some of that.
Boomers Joining Social Media at Record Rate, Joshua Norman, CBS News, November 15, 2010.
12. Interested in the different ways the USA Today presents data on Baby Boomers—interactives, videos, pictures, articles, etc. See link below. Online news is no longer just text! Check this out.
Many articles and embedded videos in this special issue: Senior boom amid economic bust, Rick Hampson, USA TODAY, November 15, 2010.
13. How about the explosion of digital textbooks….is it a passing fad? Read this one.
As Textbooks Go DigitalCampus Bookstores May Go Bookless, Jeffrey R. Young, Chronicle of Higher Education, November 14, 2010.
14. Interested in color e-book readers that function a tad more like an iPhone than the Kindle? How about the new Nook from Barnes and Noble? Try this article from the USA Today earlier today…(which is yesterday by the time I actually post this).
New Nook Color is a page-turner with novel features, Edward C. Baig, USA Today, November 18, 2010.
15. Was FarmVille a pasing fad? Apparently, not. See this one also from the USA Today today. CityVille and FrontierVille are among us it seems…
Zynga sees new 'CityVille' building on 'FarmVille' success, Jon Swartz, USA Today, November 18, 2010.
16. Apparently, Facebook is adding features that add to functionality. The Empire called Facebook is now doing battle with the big boys…Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, etc.
Facebook Messages puts texts, chats, e-mails in one in-box, Edward C. Baig and Jon Swartz, USA Today, November 16, 2010.
Those wanting to hear from Zuckerberg himself might listen to this "Web 2.0 Summit 2010: Mark Zuckerberg, "A Conversation with Mark Zuckerberg"" that was posted to YouTube. Posted on November 17th (2 days ago), this video already has 133,000 viewers. It is 106 minutes long but it apparently has a redundant 10 minute part. A different version of this session is 56 minutes long and was just posted. The recent Web 2.0 Summit looks cool but I cannot afford ($4,000+ registration is a tad beyond my budget for conferences, but perhaps I should do it one time and see what it is like).
Participants in this video include:
1. Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook),
2. Tim O'Reilly; his bio (O'Reilly Media, Inc.),
3. John Battelle (Federated Media Publishing),
"A Conversation with Mark Zuckerberg"
17. So the secrets of Rosetta Stone are revealed. I had predicted its demise without Web premise (due to competition from resources like ChinesePod, LiveMocha, and Babbel). Just having airport kiosk and CD presence is no longer enough. But a bright CEO is leading to many useful changes and much growth at Rosetta Stone.
Rosetta Stone CEO wants to teach the world to talk, Charisse Jones, USA Today, November 8, 2010.
18. Then there are new applications for the iPad and iPhone for those who love music. First it was the flute and trombone, and now it is the fiddle.
Smule adds Magic Fiddle to its Ocarina and Magic Piano apps, Jefferson Graham, USA TODAY, November 10, 2010.
19. Ok, who is interested in Gesture-based learning? And what gesture are you making at me?
Gesture-Based Learning, Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - November 17, 2010.
#647 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology. 55,195 Readers, The MASIE Center. Host: Video for Learning LAB & Seminar – January
20. For those who think that November is nuts with educational technology news, remember September and October were just as crazy. The Chronicle of Higher Education, in fact, ended October with a special report on the state of online learning. Many articles were in it including one filled with numbers.
Online Learning, Chronicle of Higher Education, Oct 31, 2010. (Online Learning: By the Numbers).
Recap: Well, that is 20 articles for you to peruse from November (ok, 19, with the 20th one from October 31st). Still, as you can see, it is a month with much happening. Much promise. Much excitement. And despite a criticism or controversy here or there, there can be no mistake that there is no turning back. No, none at all. Happy browsing and reading.
November Rain Blog Post Postscript....
Anita Vyas, a doc student from the Instructional Technology program at the University of Houston (one of my favorite stops), commented that I really only had 19 articles from November and one from the end of October. She is right. She recommended I add the following one to my list. This article discusses a new platform to make e-books more social--sharing snippets, ratings, comments, etc., with friends, perhaps in Facebook or Twitter.
21. Social Books Hopes to Make E-Reading Communa, Jenna Wortham, New York Times, November 11, 2010.
There is a company called "Rethink Books" that appears to be laying the groundwork for this area. Their "About" says: "We love books. And people. So we decided to bring the two together in new and engaging ways. We are passionate about the opportunity for new media technologies to provide a more dynamic reading experience. Books are as much about community as they are about content. So we develop software for consumers and tools for authors and publishers to build that community. By increasing the interaction between readers, authors, publishers, agents, and friends, more books get read and shared and we all win." This reminds me of LibraryThing for some reason.
Again, thanks to Anita for that "November Rain" Blog Post addition. Now let me add another short learning technology-related article, thereby getting me to 22 (or 21, depending on how you count, or if you are counting at all):
22. Interesting news…See below from the Wired Chronicle of HE today. Looks like USC is on the uptick--it plans to create an Open Lab on Future of Digital Media. How cool is that? Way cool I think! Henry Jenkins moved from MIT to USC last year and is bringing in some funding/monies (most likely for things like emerging media studies, social networking/digital media research, teen identity issues, interdisciplinary studies, participatory learning (Web 2.0), privacy issues, applications of existing media over technology development, etc.). Research that people like Mimi Ito and dana boyd do.
Southern Cal to Open Lab on Future of Digital Media, Wired Chronicle of Higher Education, Josh Keller, Chronicle of Higher Education, November 18, 2010.
Those wondering how I keep up with the educational technology, learning technology, new media, and online learning news, should read my blog post from last month. "Going Techno-Bonkers: 18+ (6-6-6) Ways Slightly Crazy People Keep Up With Online Learning and Technology Trends."
Any more rain coming? I hope not.
Introductory Statement for November Rain Blog Post: It's raining ed tech articles. Yes, once again, it is hard to keep up with all the news related to emerging technologies. Frustration kicks in. But will you kick back? I hope so. Now, for those 20 articles...
1. Want to know the state of online learning in K-12 education in the USA? Here is a brief summary of the highlights from this report.
Growth of online instruction continues, though unevenly, Staff Report, eSchool News, November 16, 2010.
2. Want more info? Here is the full K-12 online learning report filled with useful data and interesting charts. Long report at 150 pages but many useful visuals.
Keeping Pace with K-12 Online Learning: An Annual Review of Policy and Practice, Written by John Watson, Amy Murin, Lauren Vashaw, Butch Gemin, and Chris Rapp and colleagues at Evergreen Education Group, November 2010.
3. Want to know the state of online learning in higher education in the USA? Here is a brief summary of the findings.
Enrollment in Online Courses Increases at the Highest Rate Ever, Travis Kaya, Chronicle of Higher Education, November 16, 2010.
4. What more info from that report? Ok, here is the full report. It is not too long—30 pages. Good stuff in here. Many useful charts. I have been sharing them with my students and colleagues the past couple of days.
Class Differences: Online Education in the United States, 2010, I. Elaine Allen and Jeff Seaman, The Sloan Consortium, November 2010.
5. Are you interested in how the for-profit companies like Kaplan, ITT, and the University of Phoenix are responding to politicians and educators about things like student funding, quality, job placements and graduation rates, etc.? Well, not all that is in the next article. Sorry about that...but it is a start.
Kaplan's CEO Faces Tough Questions From Public-University Leaders, Paul Fain, Chronicle of Higher Education, November 16, 2010.
6. Here’s a recent article about an online learning research study at the University of Florida from the New York Times that I disagree with (and that had been reported earlier in eSchool News and the Chronicle of Higher Education) and wrote to the authors about. I think there was a one point difference between students who came to live lectures and those who only watched the videos. There were differences in the Hispanic population, however. But keep in mind that many of whom lacked quality access. It is difficult for me to get too excited about such individual studies like this when there are huge meta-analyses (albeit with problems) that show the opposite.
Live vs. Distance Learning: Measuring the Differences, Trip Gabriel, New York Times, November 5, 2010.
7. Interested in creativity coming from Korea like the new Galaxy Tab from Samsung? Or just interested in Korea like me? Read on.
Samsung cranks up creativity as it focuses on mobile Net, Roger Yu, USA Today, November 16, 2010.
8. Interested in the life of someone who writes papers for students so that they do not have to? Totally fascinating article. I loved reading this one and so too did my son Alex…a real eye opener! Much honesty in it--how professional writers help students cheat. The most popular article in the Chronicle of Higher Education this week. The author made $66,000 of income so far this year writing student term papers and master’s theses. True. And he is coming out of the closet with this article…well not quite…his true identity is not revealed.
The Shadow Scholar: The man who writes your students' papers tells his story, Ed Dante, Chronicle of Higher Education, November 12, 2010.
9. And interesting and spot on article is “Voodoo Education.” I think this article is nearly as important as the previous one--Trent Batson (whose work I have been reading for more than 2 decades—a technology and writing guru) discusses how teaching in higher education must begin to change and how the Web 2.0 can help. I appreciate that he refers to writing research from the 1980s (which is the stuff I was writing and reading about for my dissertation).
Voodoo Education: Why Are We Still in Its Spell, by Trent Batson, Campus Technology, November 17, 2010.
10. Not interested in Voodoo Education? Perhaps you are interested in Twitter use by age, gender, education, etc.? If so, this one’s for you.
Who are All of These Tweeple? By Brian Solis, November 10, 2010.
11. Or perhaps you are interested in how baby boomers are using social networking and other emerging technologies. CBS News and the USA Today have had a special this week on some of that.
Boomers Joining Social Media at Record Rate, Joshua Norman, CBS News, November 15, 2010.
12. Interested in the different ways the USA Today presents data on Baby Boomers—interactives, videos, pictures, articles, etc. See link below. Online news is no longer just text! Check this out.
Many articles and embedded videos in this special issue: Senior boom amid economic bust, Rick Hampson, USA TODAY, November 15, 2010.
13. How about the explosion of digital textbooks….is it a passing fad? Read this one.
As Textbooks Go DigitalCampus Bookstores May Go Bookless, Jeffrey R. Young, Chronicle of Higher Education, November 14, 2010.
14. Interested in color e-book readers that function a tad more like an iPhone than the Kindle? How about the new Nook from Barnes and Noble? Try this article from the USA Today earlier today…(which is yesterday by the time I actually post this).
New Nook Color is a page-turner with novel features, Edward C. Baig, USA Today, November 18, 2010.
15. Was FarmVille a pasing fad? Apparently, not. See this one also from the USA Today today. CityVille and FrontierVille are among us it seems…
Zynga sees new 'CityVille' building on 'FarmVille' success, Jon Swartz, USA Today, November 18, 2010.
16. Apparently, Facebook is adding features that add to functionality. The Empire called Facebook is now doing battle with the big boys…Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, etc.
Facebook Messages puts texts, chats, e-mails in one in-box, Edward C. Baig and Jon Swartz, USA Today, November 16, 2010.
Those wanting to hear from Zuckerberg himself might listen to this "Web 2.0 Summit 2010: Mark Zuckerberg, "A Conversation with Mark Zuckerberg"" that was posted to YouTube. Posted on November 17th (2 days ago), this video already has 133,000 viewers. It is 106 minutes long but it apparently has a redundant 10 minute part. A different version of this session is 56 minutes long and was just posted. The recent Web 2.0 Summit looks cool but I cannot afford ($4,000+ registration is a tad beyond my budget for conferences, but perhaps I should do it one time and see what it is like).
Participants in this video include:
1. Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook),
2. Tim O'Reilly; his bio (O'Reilly Media, Inc.),
3. John Battelle (Federated Media Publishing),
"A Conversation with Mark Zuckerberg"
17. So the secrets of Rosetta Stone are revealed. I had predicted its demise without Web premise (due to competition from resources like ChinesePod, LiveMocha, and Babbel). Just having airport kiosk and CD presence is no longer enough. But a bright CEO is leading to many useful changes and much growth at Rosetta Stone.
Rosetta Stone CEO wants to teach the world to talk, Charisse Jones, USA Today, November 8, 2010.
18. Then there are new applications for the iPad and iPhone for those who love music. First it was the flute and trombone, and now it is the fiddle.
Smule adds Magic Fiddle to its Ocarina and Magic Piano apps, Jefferson Graham, USA TODAY, November 10, 2010.
19. Ok, who is interested in Gesture-based learning? And what gesture are you making at me?
Gesture-Based Learning, Learning TRENDS by Elliott Masie - November 17, 2010.
#647 - Updates on Learning, Business & Technology. 55,195 Readers, The MASIE Center. Host: Video for Learning LAB & Seminar – January
20. For those who think that November is nuts with educational technology news, remember September and October were just as crazy. The Chronicle of Higher Education, in fact, ended October with a special report on the state of online learning. Many articles were in it including one filled with numbers.
Online Learning, Chronicle of Higher Education, Oct 31, 2010. (Online Learning: By the Numbers).
Recap: Well, that is 20 articles for you to peruse from November (ok, 19, with the 20th one from October 31st). Still, as you can see, it is a month with much happening. Much promise. Much excitement. And despite a criticism or controversy here or there, there can be no mistake that there is no turning back. No, none at all. Happy browsing and reading.
November Rain Blog Post Postscript....
Anita Vyas, a doc student from the Instructional Technology program at the University of Houston (one of my favorite stops), commented that I really only had 19 articles from November and one from the end of October. She is right. She recommended I add the following one to my list. This article discusses a new platform to make e-books more social--sharing snippets, ratings, comments, etc., with friends, perhaps in Facebook or Twitter.
21. Social Books Hopes to Make E-Reading Communa, Jenna Wortham, New York Times, November 11, 2010.
There is a company called "Rethink Books" that appears to be laying the groundwork for this area. Their "About" says: "We love books. And people. So we decided to bring the two together in new and engaging ways. We are passionate about the opportunity for new media technologies to provide a more dynamic reading experience. Books are as much about community as they are about content. So we develop software for consumers and tools for authors and publishers to build that community. By increasing the interaction between readers, authors, publishers, agents, and friends, more books get read and shared and we all win." This reminds me of LibraryThing for some reason.
Again, thanks to Anita for that "November Rain" Blog Post addition. Now let me add another short learning technology-related article, thereby getting me to 22 (or 21, depending on how you count, or if you are counting at all):
22. Interesting news…See below from the Wired Chronicle of HE today. Looks like USC is on the uptick--it plans to create an Open Lab on Future of Digital Media. How cool is that? Way cool I think! Henry Jenkins moved from MIT to USC last year and is bringing in some funding/monies (most likely for things like emerging media studies, social networking/digital media research, teen identity issues, interdisciplinary studies, participatory learning (Web 2.0), privacy issues, applications of existing media over technology development, etc.). Research that people like Mimi Ito and dana boyd do.
Southern Cal to Open Lab on Future of Digital Media, Wired Chronicle of Higher Education, Josh Keller, Chronicle of Higher Education, November 18, 2010.
Those wondering how I keep up with the educational technology, learning technology, new media, and online learning news, should read my blog post from last month. "Going Techno-Bonkers: 18+ (6-6-6) Ways Slightly Crazy People Keep Up With Online Learning and Technology Trends."
Any more rain coming? I hope not.
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
The Question of Convergence vs. Personalization and Other Recent Talks, Events, and Activities
Context: I get many emails each day asking my opinion on technology and learning trends. Such requests have come more often since my World is Open book came out last year.
This morning, Dr. Julie Giuliani, Dean of External Affairs, Technology Strategy and Innovation Open Campus, Florida State College at Jacksonville, asked me the following questions this morning:
Question: "I’ve been gathering trend prediction information from the Gartner Group. One of the predictable trends that you mentioned in your book was the idea of convergence of technology. According to the latest research, personalized technology is a more predominant theme. Any comments????"
(Note: I normally do not post my responses, but since I have not blogged in a month, it is time. I do plan for a much more major blog announcement in the next day or 2 so stay tuned.)
My response: Convergence makes sense since it allows us to more seamlessly enter and move back and forth between the world of education--professional life...and the world of entertainment/family/culture--personal life. And those 2 worlds, in effect, become one world called living.
Also less to tote around with convergence. Greater accessibility to learning content that one can manipulate.
The emphasis on personalized learning makes this both more important and more apparent. Are we there yet? No....not even close to personalized learning environments. Are we going to get there in 2 years? No. 5 years? Closer. 10 years? Closer still. I think we are at least 10 years from the idealized worlds of PLEs that we hear about with access to life portfolios and ones likes and dislikes and learning preferences and so on. perhaps 15 or 20. Why do I say this? PLEs was a theme in the UK 4 years ago when I was there. Have we made much progress since then? I think not.
So convergence (technology side) will happen quicker than personalization (pedagogy/learning side). Are you surprised by that? I am not. The money side is on technology today. Eventually, companies will see 7 or 8 billion people who need a personalized learning platform and then they will design one. I think governments and non profits might have a huge say in this as well. And then some teenage kid will design something that we all have been asking for.
Ok, enough predictions for now. Just thought I would share it. On to other things.
New Conference Keynotes: Saw Thomas Friedman speak at Indiana University (IU) Auditorium on Thursday night November 4th. He was great. Both my son, Alex Bonk, and I enjoyed it a lot. Friedman got me thinking about new keynotes I might create as did Paul Kim from Stanford last month in Orlando at the E-learn conference. I got back from Kentucky Convergence 2010 keynote just in time for Friedman's talk. I was hoping to chat with him after but he was fully booked it seems.
Below are my three of most recent keynotes. The first one I gave back in September for students in the educational technology at Hanyang Cyber University in Seoul, Korea (high res, medium res, low res; and the color PDF of my slides. The second one I have last week in Kentucky Conference 2010 conference (click here for a color PDF of my keynote and my 2-part masterclass workshop on blended learning and shared online video immediately after). The third one I will give tonight to people at the Northern Territories E-Learning Event in Darwin, Australia (Click here for a color PDF of my slides for tonight). I will be coming in 3 hours from now via Elluminate from my home office. Cool.
1. "E-Learning Past, Present, and Future: The Players, the Projects, and the Untold Possibilities"
Abstract: E-learning has exploded in every aspect our lives during the past decade. This explosion, however, comes on the heels of decades of experimentations with learning technologies to deliver education to the masses. Radio, television, correspondence, audiotapes, computer-assisted instruction, and many other delivery formats have had their day. Many of those promoting such technologies had visions of teaching and learning in the twenty-first century. And many of their visions are now coming true. This talk will reveal some of the past of e-learning while positioning us in the present with dozens of interesting and exciting examples of what is possible today. Naturally, it will end with a discussion of the future and what technologies to be on the lookout for. Across the past, present, and future of e-learning, Dr. Bonk will capture your imaginations with stories of people who were the builders of this new age of learning. We may be members of the "Learning Century" now, but it took the monumental efforts of hundreds of key players in thousands of interesting projects to open the learning world that when convergence strikes will bring us millions of exciting learning possibilities across the globe. This talk will highlight dozens of the key players, including some household names and others you will now appreciate. What’s more, anyone in the audience has the chance to join their ranks and change the world.
2. “I am Not Content: The Future of Education Must Come Today”
Abstract. Look left, look right, look back, and then look dead-on straight ahead…what do you see? Of course, the air is filled with e-learning opportunities as well as talk of educational transformation. So much news. So much progress. Each second of the day, dozens of learners discover shiny learning nuggets previous unknown. Each week, thousands of schools, universities, corporations, and government offices announce strategic plans for e-learning. Every month, hundreds of new online courses, programs, and certificates are offered. Year after year, research reports and meta-analyses indicate that there are undeniable positive benefits of online teaching and learning. The world of technology-enhanced learning, is looking up, up, up. But wait a minute. It is no time to be content. It is not time to relax and just let the “inevitable” future unfold in front of our eyes. No! We must all jump in and help build the changes we want to see. Besides, there are hundreds of millions of people who cannot wait. They need access to a more free and open education today--one with high quality content, interactive and engaging tasks, and motivating technology use. This is a land of where nature (i.e., technology) meets nurture (i.e., pedagogy). It is time you joined in to build the future. Those attending this talk should be cautioned to check their hearts and credits cards at the door since this will be an emotionally-packed talk intended to make you act.
3. "Stretching the Edges of Technology-Enhanced Training: From Tinkering to Tottering to Totally Extreme Learning"
Abstract. Some insist. Some resist. Others persist. Such is state of online learning today. But what is highly resistible for some is often passionately irresistible for others. Many are content to tinker with blended forms of learning. They dip their toes into the technology change movement by embedding shared online videos, simulations, timelines, collaborative groups, and open access articles in their courses. Others enter deeper waters and push toward the edges of what is possible. Their classes are teeter-tottering on the brink of transformation. Such instructors hand over the keys to their learners and let them drive for a bit. These risk taking instructors might enjoy reading a learner-designed wikibook, listening to a student generated podcast show, or watching the results of an international video competition. And then there are those who find themselves at the extreme edges of this learning planet. They might tap into virtual explorers, artists, archeologists, and adventurers to excite their learners. It is in such courses that scientific discoveries appear live. Mobile, virtual, and telepresence technologies become the new norm. It is time to stretch toward the edges of learning from those of us tinkering on the shores to those whose learning approaches are tottering in new directions and even landing in totally extreme or alien lands. This talk will showcase examples from all three worlds—the world of the tinkerer, the totterer, and the totally extreme. Which world will you find yourself?
All my talk descriptions are posted online.
Recent Radio Interview: In addition to the new keynotes, I was recently on the radio. On November 1st, I was interviewed for the show, New Horizons with Bob Kustra, President, Boise State University. I had a blast. So much fun to be on Bob's show. He had recently mentioned my World is Open book in his state of the University address. So this was sorta like a follow-up. And, accordingly, the topic was “The World Is Open: How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education,” Boise State Public Radio (KBSX 91.5).
The show aired on November 5 and 7, 2010. I think it sounded pretty darn good. Bob is a great interviewer and the show is thoughtfully arranged by his producer, Janelle Brown. That is a wondrous combination. Needless to say, I had a lot of fun as I tend to do on radio. Perhaps have a listen. It is a 30 minute show. I think it is 13-14 megs so it will not take too long to download.
Hope you enjoy the radio show. And I hope the talk goes well tonight to Australia. More soon.
This morning, Dr. Julie Giuliani, Dean of External Affairs, Technology Strategy and Innovation Open Campus, Florida State College at Jacksonville, asked me the following questions this morning:
Question: "I’ve been gathering trend prediction information from the Gartner Group. One of the predictable trends that you mentioned in your book was the idea of convergence of technology. According to the latest research, personalized technology is a more predominant theme. Any comments????"
(Note: I normally do not post my responses, but since I have not blogged in a month, it is time. I do plan for a much more major blog announcement in the next day or 2 so stay tuned.)
My response: Convergence makes sense since it allows us to more seamlessly enter and move back and forth between the world of education--professional life...and the world of entertainment/family/culture--personal life. And those 2 worlds, in effect, become one world called living.
Also less to tote around with convergence. Greater accessibility to learning content that one can manipulate.
The emphasis on personalized learning makes this both more important and more apparent. Are we there yet? No....not even close to personalized learning environments. Are we going to get there in 2 years? No. 5 years? Closer. 10 years? Closer still. I think we are at least 10 years from the idealized worlds of PLEs that we hear about with access to life portfolios and ones likes and dislikes and learning preferences and so on. perhaps 15 or 20. Why do I say this? PLEs was a theme in the UK 4 years ago when I was there. Have we made much progress since then? I think not.
So convergence (technology side) will happen quicker than personalization (pedagogy/learning side). Are you surprised by that? I am not. The money side is on technology today. Eventually, companies will see 7 or 8 billion people who need a personalized learning platform and then they will design one. I think governments and non profits might have a huge say in this as well. And then some teenage kid will design something that we all have been asking for.
Ok, enough predictions for now. Just thought I would share it. On to other things.
New Conference Keynotes: Saw Thomas Friedman speak at Indiana University (IU) Auditorium on Thursday night November 4th. He was great. Both my son, Alex Bonk, and I enjoyed it a lot. Friedman got me thinking about new keynotes I might create as did Paul Kim from Stanford last month in Orlando at the E-learn conference. I got back from Kentucky Convergence 2010 keynote just in time for Friedman's talk. I was hoping to chat with him after but he was fully booked it seems.
Below are my three of most recent keynotes. The first one I gave back in September for students in the educational technology at Hanyang Cyber University in Seoul, Korea (high res, medium res, low res; and the color PDF of my slides. The second one I have last week in Kentucky Conference 2010 conference (click here for a color PDF of my keynote and my 2-part masterclass workshop on blended learning and shared online video immediately after). The third one I will give tonight to people at the Northern Territories E-Learning Event in Darwin, Australia (Click here for a color PDF of my slides for tonight). I will be coming in 3 hours from now via Elluminate from my home office. Cool.
1. "E-Learning Past, Present, and Future: The Players, the Projects, and the Untold Possibilities"
Abstract: E-learning has exploded in every aspect our lives during the past decade. This explosion, however, comes on the heels of decades of experimentations with learning technologies to deliver education to the masses. Radio, television, correspondence, audiotapes, computer-assisted instruction, and many other delivery formats have had their day. Many of those promoting such technologies had visions of teaching and learning in the twenty-first century. And many of their visions are now coming true. This talk will reveal some of the past of e-learning while positioning us in the present with dozens of interesting and exciting examples of what is possible today. Naturally, it will end with a discussion of the future and what technologies to be on the lookout for. Across the past, present, and future of e-learning, Dr. Bonk will capture your imaginations with stories of people who were the builders of this new age of learning. We may be members of the "Learning Century" now, but it took the monumental efforts of hundreds of key players in thousands of interesting projects to open the learning world that when convergence strikes will bring us millions of exciting learning possibilities across the globe. This talk will highlight dozens of the key players, including some household names and others you will now appreciate. What’s more, anyone in the audience has the chance to join their ranks and change the world.
2. “I am Not Content: The Future of Education Must Come Today”
Abstract. Look left, look right, look back, and then look dead-on straight ahead…what do you see? Of course, the air is filled with e-learning opportunities as well as talk of educational transformation. So much news. So much progress. Each second of the day, dozens of learners discover shiny learning nuggets previous unknown. Each week, thousands of schools, universities, corporations, and government offices announce strategic plans for e-learning. Every month, hundreds of new online courses, programs, and certificates are offered. Year after year, research reports and meta-analyses indicate that there are undeniable positive benefits of online teaching and learning. The world of technology-enhanced learning, is looking up, up, up. But wait a minute. It is no time to be content. It is not time to relax and just let the “inevitable” future unfold in front of our eyes. No! We must all jump in and help build the changes we want to see. Besides, there are hundreds of millions of people who cannot wait. They need access to a more free and open education today--one with high quality content, interactive and engaging tasks, and motivating technology use. This is a land of where nature (i.e., technology) meets nurture (i.e., pedagogy). It is time you joined in to build the future. Those attending this talk should be cautioned to check their hearts and credits cards at the door since this will be an emotionally-packed talk intended to make you act.
3. "Stretching the Edges of Technology-Enhanced Training: From Tinkering to Tottering to Totally Extreme Learning"
Abstract. Some insist. Some resist. Others persist. Such is state of online learning today. But what is highly resistible for some is often passionately irresistible for others. Many are content to tinker with blended forms of learning. They dip their toes into the technology change movement by embedding shared online videos, simulations, timelines, collaborative groups, and open access articles in their courses. Others enter deeper waters and push toward the edges of what is possible. Their classes are teeter-tottering on the brink of transformation. Such instructors hand over the keys to their learners and let them drive for a bit. These risk taking instructors might enjoy reading a learner-designed wikibook, listening to a student generated podcast show, or watching the results of an international video competition. And then there are those who find themselves at the extreme edges of this learning planet. They might tap into virtual explorers, artists, archeologists, and adventurers to excite their learners. It is in such courses that scientific discoveries appear live. Mobile, virtual, and telepresence technologies become the new norm. It is time to stretch toward the edges of learning from those of us tinkering on the shores to those whose learning approaches are tottering in new directions and even landing in totally extreme or alien lands. This talk will showcase examples from all three worlds—the world of the tinkerer, the totterer, and the totally extreme. Which world will you find yourself?
All my talk descriptions are posted online.
Recent Radio Interview: In addition to the new keynotes, I was recently on the radio. On November 1st, I was interviewed for the show, New Horizons with Bob Kustra, President, Boise State University. I had a blast. So much fun to be on Bob's show. He had recently mentioned my World is Open book in his state of the University address. So this was sorta like a follow-up. And, accordingly, the topic was “The World Is Open: How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education,” Boise State Public Radio (KBSX 91.5).
The show aired on November 5 and 7, 2010. I think it sounded pretty darn good. Bob is a great interviewer and the show is thoughtfully arranged by his producer, Janelle Brown. That is a wondrous combination. Needless to say, I had a lot of fun as I tend to do on radio. Perhaps have a listen. It is a 30 minute show. I think it is 13-14 megs so it will not take too long to download.
Hope you enjoy the radio show. And I hope the talk goes well tonight to Australia. More soon.
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