Sunday, 6 August 2006

Bucaneer Bonk and His Belated Blackboard the Pirate Top Ten List

Ahoy Matey! Did ye hear the story about Blackboard the Pirate? Well shiver my timbers, there has certainly been a lot of chatter tis past week about the supposed patents of Blackboard the Pirate and the resultin lawsuit against "XYZ." Tis not somethin for those that are lily-livered that be for sure! Give me some grog! It be time perhaps ter get loaded ter the gunwales. Arrrr!!!! I have heard nothin on tis from my mates here in the US but instead email keeps comin in from the UK on tis topic for some reason. Yo-ho-ho!!! Remember the "THE GAUDET FAMILY PIRATING SONG" (see Yo-ho-ho mates!!! Please hand over the bottle of rum! Bucaneer Bonk out... Note: The rest of this extremely long blog post has been (at least temporarily) removed. If interested, write to the author for the full version (email: curt at